industrial Products

Supply chain challenges never stop evolving. Our automations and industry experts help your business keep up.
TPS Compliance tracks and maintains vendor, item, or item category specific certifications and expiration dates, significantly improving procurement efficiency and managing compliance concerns.
JIT Manufacturing
Delivering Just in Time (JIT) inventory is a hallmark of the automotive industry’s success. Forecasting, planning, and scheduling JIT inventory for your customers is seamless with Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central.
Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central Lot and Serial Tracking tracks inbound product from production to the end consumer in minutes.
Our partnerships with Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) platforms take the work and potential mistakes out of order entry, invoicing, and 3PL warehouse transactions.
International Procurement
TPS Container Management automates the receipt of goods to virtual on-the-water or in-transit locations while tracking multiple POs at the container level.
Trade Management
TPS Rebates & Deductions and TPS Promotions systematically create and manage combinable pricing rules, credits, and payments, with in-depth reporting capabilities. Automate advanced sales pricing and track commissions, rebates, and other trade entries as they happen.

Reach out to learn more about what we can do.

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